Category: Life

  • What’s your outlook?

    What’s your outlook?



    “Where do I go from here?” Have you said that, felt that, ACTED on that? The helplessness builds in your psyche like a consuming fire, devouring what was once good. Perhaps you’re at a dead-end job, struggling to get a business off the ground or trying to get married or have children. The future is…

  • Finding the “Perfect” Christmas Tree



    We spent some time this summer taking a look around the local woods to spot the perfect place to go tree hunting. We found several places that looked like there were some pretty great trees. My sister was coming to town the week before Thanksgiving, so we decided to take her out with us. We…

  • Elijah’s Three Yr Old Session | DT The Dalles



    After I posted a photo or two from our time at the Rowena Crest Viewpoint, a friend suggested that I do a more urban setting for a shoot. So, I did! This time, I waited to take the hubby along too. Mostly because I didn’t want to deal with a kiddo running around with cars…

  • A Three Year Old Photo Session



    Right before our little man, Elijah, turned three and I mean days before, we went out and had a couple photo sessions. I decided that I need and want to start documenting Elijah a little more often. That means, having a photo session or two throughout the year. I think I will at least do…

  • Keep it rolling

    Keep it rolling

    I have been at this whole multimedia side-hustle thing for a while now. I started off in high school making slideshow presentations for graduation ceremonies, homecoming events and recap videos for mission trips. In college, I made videos for Campus Crusade for Christ and for Montana State as well as operating as a wedding photo-friend-ographer…

  • TIDB: The Oregon Coast Video

    TIDB: The Oregon Coast Video



    As many of you know, this year, on May 17th, we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Due to work scheduling, I couldn’t take any time off around that date, but I was able to secure a week off in June. We left the kiddo with Jess’s parents and left for the Oregon coast. We decided…

  • A Halloween Lion

    A Halloween Lion



    I am not the most creative person when it comes to figuring out costumes and such. I’ll stick to photography. But really, I do like taking my little man out for the evening. Let’s face it, we the parents like getting some candy too. Plus, I like seeing his reactions to everyone else dressed up. …

  • Let’s talk about momentum

    Let’s talk about momentum



    It’s all about getting started, all you need is a push. The goal is to harness movement and let it carry you through the obstacles that life invariably provides. What is hard is when you’ve been sitting still for too long. Obstacles that used to seem like mole hills, now feel like mountains. Well… I’ve…

  • Finding the Next Steps | Another Miscarriage Story

    Finding the Next Steps | Another Miscarriage Story

    Now what? I am that statistic and I thought for sure that my next step would be taking tests. I had already spent a lot of money for the year on blood work from my December miscarriage and this April one. I have a high deductible, so I just thought that it would all work…

  • Finding Comfort | Another Miscarriage Story

    Finding Comfort | Another Miscarriage Story

    Another week went by as I started to plan things in my head. I was planning out how December would look with a newborn, how Christmas would look with a newborn, how we would have to delay our big family trip to Hawaii, how I was convinced that I was having a girl, how I…

  • Finding the Words | Another Miscarriage Story

    Finding the Words | Another Miscarriage Story

    Here I sit trying to recount my feelings and thoughts from when it happened again in April. I had so many emotions running around in my head that I needed to take some time to think about it before writing it all out for the world to see. I’ve been wanting to get on here…

  • Running: Conflicted Passion

    Running: Conflicted Passion

    I’ve been running off and on now for years. My earliest memories are from Jr. High, running track and field in the Spring and cross-country in the Fall. I loved running, I just loved it. It wasn’t that I was a driven, competitive athlete, but that I just could go for miles, stuck in my…