Category: Life

  • Less than one week!

    This coming Sunday we drive over to Billings to start our travels to Nepal. On Monday morning, we will be flying from Billings to Seattle to Tokyo to Bangkok (where we will spend the night in the airport) to our final destination Kathmandu! I am nervous and excited. I am getting over being sick right now…

  • Nepal Team Funds Update

    Just a quick little message to let all of you know how our team is doing as a whole for funding. We are at just below $2000 for what is still needed. Thank you so much to all of you that have continued to send us funds to support our team members. Now I want…

  • Take it Slow

    Take it Slow

    As most of you know, I have been running around like a chicken lately. I hardly have the time for, well almost anything! Ha. This past weekend, my parents really wanted to see us before we headed off to Nepal. Even though it was a really short weekend getaway in Kellogg, Idaho, it was a…

  • Running-What are you?

    I have got my self so booked solid every week, that I have meetings or some event in the morning and night most days of the week. I even throw in a lunch even now and then. I do not know how I got to this point, but there is something that I seem to…

  • Playing in the Band

    Playing in the Band



    Tonight and this weekend, I get the privilege to play in the the worship band for ADVANCE314 at Grace Bible Church. It is a young adult conference for those seeking to advance themselves toward the goals that are set before all Christians. I am playing my trusty old Ovation guitar. It’s hard to believe that I’ve had…

  • Last Nepal Funds Update & Prayer Requests

    Brent and I are so close to getting all of the funds we need to go to Nepal. I want to encourage all of you who are still thinking about supporting us to still send money even though we wont need it. There are a few people in our group that do not have support…

  • Preparations


    So… We are headed to Nepal in about five weeks and while there we will get to do some amazing things, at really high elevations. I haven’t been training much this year and my job has kept me pretty tied to a desk so my level of fitness isn’t quite where I would like it…

  • Celebrate!



    What a day today! First off, today is the day that we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead! What an amazing God to send his son to die on the cross for our sins! Another cool thing is that we get to celebrate this day and live our lives for him. We started our morning…

  • God Provides – Fundraising Update

    A week after posting our last update about Nepal, God completely blessed us! Went from needing a couple thousand dollars to needing about one thousand! Our God never fails us! We just need to be heading in the direction that he wants us to go or else He answers our prayers in a way we…

  • Nepal Fundraising

    Over the last month, I have been spending most of my time organizing fundraiser events for our upcoming mission trip to Nepal. I am in charge of all of the fundraising as well as a few other tasks for preparing for Nepal. I am excited as the time is closing in. We are about 1…

  • MIA




    I have a feeling that Brent and I are going to be MIA from the blogging world for most of this month. I am in charge of organizing all of the fundraisers for our trip to Nepal. I know we still need to fill you all in on that as well. Hopefully we can do…

  • I’m alive (and I’ve been busy!)

    I’m alive (and I’ve been busy!)

    Okay, so some of you non-facebook people have probably wondered if I have dropped off the face of the planet. If it wasn’t for Jess mentioning me every once and a while in a post, I would start to wonder to. The answer to the question of what I’ve been up to is a pretty…