Tag: friends
What are friends for?
I love having friends that are willing to help me out with my training. I have always been really bad about taking the time to do core workouts and anything other than running. I knew I needed some help. I have done a few things off and on with the last marathons, but I was…
A Visit from Afar
The other week, Brent and I had heard from a little birdie that our friend Fe and her husband Ken were in town from the Philippines. I sent out a message to her not knowing if she would have time for dinner or even a quick visit. We lucked out! Last week we were able…
Baby Shower Creations
Other the last few months, my friend and I had the privilege of putting together a baby shower for our close friend. After countless times getting together to “plan”, which always turned it to fun chatter time, we finally got everything planned out. We took one night to decorate cookies, using the best sugar cookie recipe (my…