Category: Run/Hike/Bike
16 Miler – Killed it!
We started off our morning run with staggered starts once again. This is the best way for us to reach our potentials and listen to our own bodies. It was only 42 degrees when I headed out the door, so I quickly went and grabbed my arm warmers for a second try. Part of me…
Runnin’ Thoughts
With my next half marathon less than two weeks away, I am off the wall excited. I will be running solo. No one else has registered to run the race purposely because I am running it, nor did I register because someone else is running it. I do know others that are running, but this…
Gravelly Mountains
Friday night Brent and I took off with the Subaru loaded with camping gear and our friends, Scott and Sara Swanson (newlyweds)! We headed south of Bozeman to the Gravelly Mountain Range where we had ran the half at the Madison Marathon. We had been so impressed by the scenery and wanted a chance at…
Retirement (new shoes)
As most of you may know, Jess and I recently purchased some new running shoes. Jess logged around 1,000 miles of travel, while I estimate around 800 miles on mine. I would like to take the time to say that these miles include hiking as well as running. So here’s to my good ole Brooks Defiance’s and…
Bozeman Trail Run
Brent and I knew that their were several trails throughout Bozeman, but never thought too much about running on them. After we ran our second half marathon last year, Brent decided to map out a new fun run that used the trails on the east side of town. He was able to connect four of the trail…
All I can say is, WOW!
I sat down Friday night in front of the computer and started mapping out an 18 mile run for the next morning. As I was mapping it out, I could not help but thinking to myself how far 18 miles actually is. It was hard to figure out a route that was long enough and…
New Running Kicks
After putting over a thousand miles on my last pair of running shoes, I finally went out and got these sweet blue kicks. I fortunately had previously chosen a pair that wore evenly and had continued to help me stay injury free for the year. I showed the nice salesman at the BRC, our local…
My Brights Were On (Madison Marathon)
Okay, so some of you (facebook people) may know what the title refers to, but to the rest here is the whole story. Jess and I rose early Sunday morning for the hour journey to Ennis, MT for the forth annual Madison Marathon where we would be running the half. We got dressed, grabbed our…
Tomorrow is Racing Time
Despite the fact that Brent and I knew we would not be making it home till around 10 pm tonight from a wedding in Billings, we decided to register for the half at the Madison Marathon. This means that after getting home late, we have to wake ourselves up around 3:30 or 4ish am to…
Arm Warmers – Who knew?
I woke up this morning to head out on a run. As usual, I checked the weather because in Montana you never know what you will get. It had surprisingly dropped down to about 40 degrees. (Side note: This was nice because I have a hard time sleeping in warm weather and hadn’t been able…
Go Girl Trail Run
On Sunday morning the 10th, I woke up and did the usual before a race. I picked out my favorite pair of shorts, put on a shirt that would keep me warm enough, but not too hot, tried to put my hair up so that it would not be falling all over my face as…
A Morning Run Uphill…
Wednesday morning, Brent and I finally got ourselves out of bed around 4:50am. We scrambled around to get ready for our run as we had already slept in for 20 minutes. We wanted to be out the door by 4:45am but had to settle for 5:00am. We rushed to fill our water bottle, grabbed a…