Tomorrow is Racing Time

Despite the fact that Brent and I knew we would not be making it home till around 10 pm tonight from a wedding in Billings, we decided to register for the half at the Madison Marathon. This means that after getting home late, we have to wake ourselves up around 3:30 or 4ish am to drive about an hour to Ennis to catch the bus. The bus will then shuttle us another hour and a half to the staging area/finish for the race. This is when Brent and I will pick up our packets and swag as we are obviously not able to do tonight. Then after hanging out at this area for a little while, we will get back on the bus for them to shuttle us to the starting line for our half marathon. The race will then start at 9:00am. This does not seem early enough to a lot of people with the heat that we have had recently. When we are averaging 9,000 ft. of elevation and cap out at 9,587 ft., it is early enough to miss the heat wave! I am looking forward to a nap when we get home after the race. Check back in the next couple days to see how we did and if we survived!