Category: Run/Hike/Bike

  • Headwaters Bank Run – Half Marathon

    Saturday Brent was going to take the opportunity to hike the Bridger Ridge, so I went ahead and registered myself for another half marathon. I was not going to hike, so I wanted something to do to keep myself busy. What better than running a half marathon? Brent was gone the previous weekend for STP…

  • Ice Baths vs Chocolate Milk

    Last summer during my marathon training, I spent 10-15 minutes after almost all of my long runs sitting in an ice cold bath. This year, there have been no ice baths. Instead I have been having a wonderfully tasty glass of chocolate milk after every long run. Even on the short runs when I am…

  • Race for Independence

    Race for Independence

    My boss was gracious enough to let me come in late to work on the 4th. There was a 10k that I wanted to run, plus it meant I would be able to sleep in. I was able to wake up at 7:00 am instead of the usual 5:00 to get my run in! The…

  • Another 2nd Place! (Lewis & Clark Results)

    I finally remember to check the results of the race this week. I was surprised at the results for myself. I had no clue. Brent Powell: Overall: 22 out of 51 Age Group: 4 out of 5 Time: 1:57:21 Jessica Powell: Overall: 21 out of 51 Age Group: 2 out of 10 (Woot!! Who knew I…

  • National Running Day

    National Running Day

    I know that there is pretty much a “National” day for everything, but today is National Running Day! This means that all of you need to step out onto the track, field, road or trail. What a great day it would be to jump start your love for running. Although, I could probably come up…

  • Lewis & Clark Half Marathon 2012

    Lewis & Clark Half Marathon 2012

    On Saturday Brent and I decided to take a second stab at the Lewis & Clark Half Marathon. We ran this race last year and it had turned out to be a tougher course than we thought. This year was not much different. The group that had originally put on the race decided to drop…

  • To Nashville and Back

    To Nashville and Back

    As you are all well aware, we embarked a few weeks ago on our 7-day trip to Nashville. We primarily we there to see my brother, his wife and two-year old daughter, but we also registered for the Country Music Rock’N’Roll, Jess the marathon, and myself the half. We worked a half-day on Wednesday to…

  • Country Music Marathon 2012

    Country Music Marathon 2012

    Last Saturday I was able to partake in the Nashville Country Music Marathon to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Another 26.2 miles down for me! I love that my sport benefits organizations. I get to do what I love and help someone in the process. After a great night’s rest, I woke up bright…

  • Quick Marathon Update

    This is just a quick little note to let all of you know how we did. Details and more information about our adventures down in Nashville to come when we make it home. Jess – Full Marathon – time: 4:01:32 – pace: 9:13 – overall: 633 out of 3925 – division: 60 out of 443…

  • Race Ready

    With months of training pounding my feet down on the pavement, it is finally race week. I am just days away from my second marathon. I am excited to try this again as I have done several longer runs than the last training. I feel like my body is a bit more ready due to…

  • 3rd Marathon??

    3rd Marathon??

    I think so! Last night I got an email with my special link to register for the Nike Women’s Marathon (NWM) down in San Francisco in October. If you remember a little while back, I was in a dilema of whether or not I should run this race. With a good friend already living down there and…

  • The Results are in! (Run to the Pub)

    Jess – 1:50:08 – 8:25 min/mi – 140th overall Brent – 1:55:06 – 8:47 min/mi – 180th overall There were 360 total half marathoners. Not too bad for the first race of the year. Unfortunately, the age group results are messed up. Not as bad as the actually results were. When it was first posted,…