National Running Day

I know that there is pretty much a “National” day for everything, but today is National Running Day! This means that all of you need to step out onto the track, field, road or trail. What a great day it would be to jump start your love for running. Although, I could probably come up with a few more days that would be better. Today is the day. If you have already found yourself within running, today is a great day to do a fun run to bring yourself back to the joy of what running brings. Pick a new running route or just switch it up. See some new views and enjoy some new experiences. Grab a friend and enjoy! I would just love to encourage everyone to get out there today!

Although I knew that today was National Running Day, I forgot that when I woke up this morning. I headed out over to my sister’s house to meet up for a nice 5 miler. We took the route along the trail system. It was great to get out there and it always is. I never regret my runs. I only regret those I do not run. I am trying to get better about not having regret when I don’t make it on a run. I am learning to adapt and change. Run a different day or hit the road on a bike. One day I will learn to love the differences when things do not go as planned. I hope you are able to enjoy a great run today!

Most people wouldn’t get a view like this if i weren’t for running!