Category: Life
2016: Year in Review
As I sit down to write this little recap of the year’s events, I can’t help but feel thankful. A lot has happened this year, if keeping up with Elijah constantly growing and changing wasn’t enough, I started looking for a new job closer to my family (and Jess’s parents) in the Pacific Northwest. Let’s…
It’s Gone!
After a month of delays that kept coming, our house finally closed yesterday! It was a rough ride especially for me. I spend my days at my parent’s house just thinking about our current life and all that has gone on. I don’t see my friends since they are miles away, Brent is away at…
What are His plans?
I just so badly want to know what God’s plans are for my family right now. Throughout the summer, He kept certain doors closed and then opened others. Here we are sitting in the PNW still not knowing where we are suppose to be exactly. Our house keeps getting delayed. It will have been at…
Thanksgiving in a new land
We spent our first Thanksgiving in the PNW and it was a beautiful light rainy day. I don’t think I have ever spent a Thanksgiving away from my sister, so this year was hard. We normally start our day by heading outside to participate in the local Huffing for Stuffing race. Since Elijah came early last…
Praising in times of need
Brent and I tried out a church for the second time yesterday. The pastors sermon couldn’t have been better for Brent and I after the week we just had. As we are constantly thinking of those that we left and dealing with those feelings. We are also dealing with the delays of our house closing…
Patience Iago Patience
I have always struggled with patience. I want to have a plan for everything and I want it to happen in my timeline. God apparently doesn’t want that for me lately. With everything that has transpired since Brent started applying for jobs, it has been a waiting game. It hasn’t been a normal waiting game…
Finding Your Passion
I just recently finished a book that really got me thinking about my passions. The book was a story about a couple and how their life had brought them to where they are now. They were two people that gave each other second chances and never gave up even when things got rough. They hit…
That’s right, Brent and I went hunting yesterday. Now we didn’t get up early and pack a bunch of gear because I’m not talking about what everyone is thinking about. We started our hunt for a church. We decided to check out the church that the ladies at story time told me about. We thought…
Flat Tire
My escape from reality has been my runs lately. Although, I guess I’m not really escaping reality when I spend most of that time thinking about what is going on in our lives right now. However, it is a time that calms me down and brings me a little peace. I talk with God about…
A little hope…
It was take two for story time today over at the White Salmon library today. As I drove through the Gorge, I knew it was going to be a good day today. The sun was out which brought light to the mountain that we had only seen a glimpse of over 2 weeks ago. Mt.…
Today’s Thoughts
As I sit here writing this I have had just one thing on my mind today, my friends back in Bozeman. It has been three weeks since we left Bozeman. It doesn’t seem that long yet, it seems like forever. When will I get to see them next. I’ve spent this much time not seeing…
Giddy Up
Thanks to family, we were giving all the things necessary for Elijah to be a cowboy. So of course, we chose this to be his costume this year. Free and adorable were a great reason. Elijah rocked his little cowboy outfit as he took a little ride on his horse before trick or treating. Grandpa…