Author: Jess
Insanely Afraid of the Ice
I was out on a run several weeks back and finally did it. I slipped and fell on the ice tearing a hole in my new this season running pants and a hole in my winter running confidence. I was bruised, bleeding, had a few road rash spots and had some very sore muscles on…
Things we wish we could say
Do you ever just feel like you want to say a bunch of different things, but never know how to get them out because of possibly hurting someone in the process? I am talking more about things that happen in your life. Things that you want to process by putting down the words and sharing…
A long forgotten art…
I used to sit here on behind the screen for countless hour a month telling of all the miles I had logged on the pavement. The miles that were good. The miles that were bad. And the in between. Running. It isn’t that I’ve stopped. In fact, I am still far from stopping. Maybe you…
Quarantine Walks | Nature Park Scavenger Hunt | Helena, MT
Well friends, I was planning on posting this over on my business site to give people a little insight into my life and my family. My website isn’t liking me, so here I am giving it to you all instead. Enjoy! Quarantine Walk Earlier in the week we decided to get out and enjoy an…
We have a four year old | Tuckerman Park
I can’t believe it came and went. I feel this way every year though and I’m sure this feeling will never go away. My first born turned four on October 2nd and I am in disbelief that it happened. Now that we have little mister Fitz around, I’m reminded of how tiny and all the…
Newborn Session | Fitz Bergen Powell
The photographer in me can’t help but do basically all the different types of sessions around a newborn. You can do a birth session, a fresh 48 and a newborn session. Part of me would have liked a birth photographer while the other part of me kind of cringes at the thought of it. It’s…
Fresh 48 | Fitz Bergen Powell
I have always loved the fresh 48 hospital pictures that people sometimes take right after the baby is born. If you don’t know, fresh 48 is a photography session taken within the first 48 hours of a baby’s life. A lot of people tend to do these instead of labor photos. They are a little…
Bump Photos
After the remodel and the move, I knew I wanted to take some time to get maternity photos. Now, I didn’t have time to look around to find a local photographer to Helena plus as a photographer myself, I’m a little picky. If I am going to pay someone, I want to really like them…
Pregnancy Struggles Update
You all have been following along on my pregnancy journey. I want to thank you for your prayers and investment into thinking about me. Your kind words and support have meant a lot. I decided that it’s time I give you an update on how it has all been going. For those of you that…
Finding the “Perfect” Christmas Tree
We spent some time this summer taking a look around the local woods to spot the perfect place to go tree hunting. We found several places that looked like there were some pretty great trees. My sister was coming to town the week before Thanksgiving, so we decided to take her out with us. We…
Elijah’s Three Yr Old Session | DT The Dalles
After I posted a photo or two from our time at the Rowena Crest Viewpoint, a friend suggested that I do a more urban setting for a shoot. So, I did! This time, I waited to take the hubby along too. Mostly because I didn’t want to deal with a kiddo running around with cars…