Some of the best things in life…



Some of the best things in life are the simplest things. This is not news to most of us. I think that most of us can appreciate the little things. These things can end up being the most important. I hope that we do not pass over them without realizing this. Some of these things I am talking about are the little things that I do with my husband. The other night we went on a short little walk that was only about a mile or two. It is weird how different walking miles is verse running the miles. We went out after it was already dark. Fall is here and we are taking in the last few nights of beautiful weather before the winter sets in. Being in Montana, you never know how soon it is going to come. It is always lingering around the corner. The walks that Brent and I take together always end up being some of our most meaningful times together. It is the perfect time to talk about anything and everything. It also seems to be when our minds are the clearest. Our minds are more open and understanding than they seem to be when we are surrounded by the distractions at home. This simple walk is one of the best things for our relationship. Walks are some of the best things in life.

Tea is one of the best things in life. Oh so soothing on my throat. It can make me feel so much better when cold or when I have a cold. Plus you cannot go wrong with all those flavors out there.

Coffee is one of the best things in life. There are so many options of mixing flavors and aromas. I do not tend to drink it for the caffeine but for the flavor itself.

These are only three of thousands of simple things in life that are the best. I love the simple things. Life is good.