Month: August 2011

  • All I can say is, WOW!

    I sat down Friday night in front of the computer and started mapping out an 18 mile run for the next morning. As I was mapping it out, I could not help but thinking to myself how far 18 miles actually is. It was hard to figure out a route that was long enough and…

  • New Running Kicks

    New Running Kicks

    After putting over a thousand miles on my last pair of running shoes, I finally went out and got these sweet blue kicks. I fortunately had previously chosen a pair that wore evenly and had continued to help me stay injury free for the year. I showed the nice salesman at the BRC, our local…

  • Jewel Lake

    As my lovely wife has already shared, we went for a beautiful hike last weekend up to Pine Creek Lake. It was a beautiful trip up the 3000 ft. trail. We started a bit later than we had hoped, but because we were traveling during sunset, we saw some amazing views that were simply astounding.…

  • My Most Talented Husband

    As I am sitting here listening to Brent pick out and practice songs for Sunday mornings worship service, I just think of how blessed I am to have such a talented man for a husband. He has the most amazing voice and his guitar skills are rockin’. I love just sitting here and listening to…