My Most Talented Husband

As I am sitting here listening to Brent pick out and practice songs for Sunday mornings worship service, I just think of how blessed I am to have such a talented man for a husband. He has the most amazing voice and his guitar skills are rockin’. I love just sitting here and listening to him. I think back to when I first met him and then days later saw him playing his guitar at Campus Crusade for Christ. I was intrigued even more than I had been when I first was just talking with him. Not only is he talented at playing music and singing, but he has an ear for it. He does an amazing job at mixing the sounds, he can pick up songs just by listening to them, he can digitally create then, and he can even come up with random made up songs that he usually only sings for me. I must admit I love these quirky little tunes he pulls out from no where. This is only his musical side. He is a great web designer, computer tech geek in almost every way, he is an amazing videographer (check out his previous videos he has posted), great photographer, woodworker, cook, runner, a passion for our Lord, and I could go on. All I am really say is that I have the best husband a girl could have asked for. The great thing about it is that Brent excels in all these areas. I do not know many people that can do all he does so well. There is no way that I can. I am one blessed wife and thank God daily for this man he brought into my life.