Tag: Thoughts

  • Research This



    I’m a “do it yourself”er type of person. I like to learn to do things that you would typically have someone else do or buy the solution off the shelf. Build a desk, tune-up a car, fix a computer or make an HD antenna. I like to learn about new things, whether for a purpose…

  • A Servant’s Heart

    A Servant’s Heart

    Every night while at Rehoboth, we had a group devotion time in which one of my team members lead us to reflect on God’s word, and what we were doing in the Philippines. It was a great time that helped me reflect on what I was doing while there, and back at home in the…

  • (not) finding your groove

    As I think of what to write in this post, I am conflicted as to it’s topic. Guess I’ll just have to touch on them all! Lets start with grooving. Not musical grooving, but life grooving or as I would like to call it, life trenching. We all have our routines and daily schedules. There…