Tag: snow
Feels Like Home
Everybody around the Gorge is talking about all this snow that is still on the ground. By talking, I really mean complaining. Yes, I am stuck at my parents without a car. Yes, it is too icy to take Elijah out in the stroller with the hills. Yes, I am getting a little cabin fever…
It’s Gone!
After a month of delays that kept coming, our house finally closed yesterday! It was a rough ride especially for me. I spend my days at my parent’s house just thinking about our current life and all that has gone on. I don’t see my friends since they are miles away, Brent is away at…
Sand vs. Snow
Over Thanksgiving weekend while in Cannon Beach, I had the opportunity to run in the sand for the first time. I have been to the beach several times, but it was before I started running. I was disappointed that I wouldn’t be running in this year’s Huffing for Stuffing in Bozeman. I figured that running…
It’s Just September!
It’s only September 26th and we are having our first snowfall! I do think it should have waited for Brent’s birthday tomorrow. I am actually kind of excited about it. Plus it looks beautiful! I hope you are enjoying your fall!
What is that white stuff???
It has been a couple years since we have seen multiple days of snow. It has snowed off and on these last several days, but nothing compares to today. It started snowing early this morning and it has not stopped. I was debating whether or not I wanted to attempt my lunch run today. I…
Update: No Snow
I don’t know if you remember, but back around November I was complaining about running in the snow. I did not know how I was going to work out my runs after it dumped outside. Well, the sad thing is….I haven’t had to. There is no snow. We did have it dump a couple times,…
Last Day of the Year
What to do on the last day of the year? We decided to go up to the beautiful freshly snow covered mountains that we are lucky to live so close to. We invited my sister along for another wonderful snowshoe outing. We enjoyed a beautiful hike up along side the reservoir that led us back towards a…
Our first snowshoe outing of the season…
As Brent wrote earlier in his blog post about History Rock, we were able to enjoy our first outing of the season with our snowshoes. The snow has been fairly light around here for this winter season. A great thing when it comes to my running, but not so good for the snow activities that we would…
Afternoon Snow
The other afternoon, we had a wet and heavy snow fall, one in which put out Jess’s hopes for a run, but was beautiful none the less. I decided to pull out the camera and shoot these shots from my work window. I hope you enjoy!
It’s a love hate relationship between me and the snow.
Yesterday afternoon I was looking outside my window at work watching the snow start to fly. It looked beautiful, but I had skipped my lunch run in hopes to get a run in with Brent after work. If we do not run together, he just does not run. Which is fine. That is why I…