Tag: Nikon D40

  • Jess’s ABC’s

    Jess’s ABC’s

    The ABC experiment ended up being more difficult than I had thought. The lens I used turned out to be quit a challenge as there were letters I saw, but was not able to as I could not be far enough away.  Shooting in manual did not seem to be the hard part as it…

  • Another Walk

    Another Walk

    Last night, Brent and I decided to go on another walk with our cameras. We ended up on another part of of Bozeman trail route which gives us an overlook onto Bozeman. It was a great evening for a walk and to take pictures. We later ended up driving home and saw how awesome the…

  • Bozeman Trail Run

    Bozeman Trail Run

    Brent and I knew that their were several trails throughout Bozeman, but never thought too much about running on them. After we ran our second half marathon last year, Brent decided to map out a new fun run that used the trails on the east side of town. He was able to connect four of the trail…

  • Pine Creek Lake

    Pine Creek Lake

    We left Friday night at 5:40, which was later than we wanted. This tends to always happen in the Powell household no matter how much we try. We arrived up at the trailhead around 6:30, put on the bug spray, adjusted our packs, and then headed up the trail. We were excited as we have…

  • Finally ~ Heat, Running, and Photography

    Finally the sun is shining and the snow is not falling. Brent and I enjoyed a nice forty minute run last night with no snow or rain, just the sun. It was 54 degrees. On Friday, we will be headed to Boise where it is suppose to be in the 70’s. Not too sure how…

  • Story Mill

    The story mill in Bozeman, MT is probably one of my favorite places to visit when I feel the muse to take some picture. It is probably cliche for me to continue to go there, as it is popular among the photography crowd, but I do enjoy the vacant structure. However, I am unsettled at…