Category: Life

  • Year in Review: 2017

    Year in Review: 2017



    It’s December 31st, 2017, and here I am recounting the memories of this past year. Had I wrote this a couple weeks ago, the tone would be much different. The past two weeks has stretched our little family. So I will work backwards in events, to end on a cheerier note. Surrounding the Christmas season,…

  • Christmas Tree Farm | A New Form of Tree Hunting

    Christmas Tree Farm | A New Form of Tree Hunting

    Brent and I have been married for almost 10 years. That means this Christmas will be our tenth one together. It is so much fun to think about that. We don’t have a lot of traditions established yet. Mostly because we just did whatever was going on with our families and our friends. We figured…

  • The Local Turkey Trot

    The Local Turkey Trot

    Since I started running nine years ago, if I wasn’t out of town or traveling on Thanksgiving day, I have been out at the local Thanksgiving day run burning a few calories before the big feast of the day. This is the perfect way to make sure you still get your workout in before you…

  • How the Half Became Full

    How the Half Became Full

    Is was very soon after our first half-marathon (the Missoula) that thoughts crept in about running a full marathon. We trained for some more races, 10Ks and half-marathons, mostly run together. I think it was during our training and completion of the Billings Governors Cup half that a destination was set and training schedule established.…

  • Apple Picking | Hood River Valley

    Apple Picking | Hood River Valley

    In October, I was craving a family day at a local apple orchard. We ended up going to Kiyokawa Family Orchards. Being near Hood River Valley, there are so many orchards to choose from. Depending on what time of year, there is almost always something for you to go do at a local farm. Let’s…

  • Pumpkin Patch Fun

    Pumpkin Patch Fun

    At the beginning of October, we went up to Kent, WA to visit our friends that just moved there from the east coast. It is so nice to have them closer and we can’t wait for more opportunities to visit them. It was a beautiful weekend and we took the chance to head to the…

  • So you wanna run a half-marathon do ya?

    So you wanna run a half-marathon do ya?

    Jess recently posted about when she started becoming the marathoner we have before us today and I thought it’d be a good time to share my thoughts on the whole thang. So as she stated, just over 8 years ago, Jess’s interest in running was piqued by a family member. At this point, she was…

  • Smaller bites

    Smaller bites



    I’m one to dream… BIG, sometimes too big. This tends to pervade most of my life. Most of the time, this is a good thing. At work, I tend to make things better because of dreaming big, but dreaming big has stalled me in my personal projects. I have these grand ideas, and the beginning…

  • Birthday Boy | Elijah Turned Two

    Birthday Boy | Elijah Turned Two

    Elijah was the happiest little birthday boy these last two days. We celebrated with him and family a day early. Several family members came and we had a blast watching him participate. He loved everyone watching and giving him the attention during opening presents. We are beyond thankful for our little man. I hope these…

  • Go Getter’s Getaway

    Go Getter’s Getaway

    Hey all. I am working on doing some big things with Jessica Sara Photography. I want it to be more than just taking pictures. There is so much I want to happen with it and I just need to slowly move forward with these goals. For now, go check out my latest post over at…

  • Rising Early

    Rising Early

    I recently made the switch at work to a 4-10 schedule which means I now wake up (too) early, but I get Monday’s off. A while back, we had one of our favorite families over for a couple days and I decided to make the most of the early morning on my day off. I…

  • Our Norwegian Adventure | Reykjavík

    Our Norwegian Adventure | Reykjavík

    I know. I know. Reykjavík is in Iceland not Norway, but it is tied to our Norwegian adventure. It will forever be part of that time when we went to Norway and had a little added bonus on our way home. We arrived at the airport not knowing where we would stay or if we would…