Category: Life

  • Dry and Emotional

    Dry and Emotional

    I have been back from the Philippines for just over one week. Two things that I have noticed about myself.

  • Here is not there

    As a worship leader you would think that I have the whole worshiping God part down pat. But alas, I do not. When I travelled to the Philippines and experienced God in a truly real way, I thought that it would be somewhat easier to bring back the on-fire passion to the states. Last night…

  • Research This



    I’m a “do it yourself”er type of person. I like to learn to do things that you would typically have someone else do or buy the solution off the shelf. Build a desk, tune-up a car, fix a computer or make an HD antenna. I like to learn about new things, whether for a purpose…

  • A Servant’s Heart

    A Servant’s Heart

    Every night while at Rehoboth, we had a group devotion time in which one of my team members lead us to reflect on God’s word, and what we were doing in the Philippines. It was a great time that helped me reflect on what I was doing while there, and back at home in the…

  • (not) finding your groove

    As I think of what to write in this post, I am conflicted as to it’s topic. Guess I’ll just have to touch on them all! Lets start with grooving. Not musical grooving, but life grooving or as I would like to call it, life trenching. We all have our routines and daily schedules. There…

  • Snowshoeing in Yellowstone

    Snowshoeing in Yellowstone

    Brent and I had the privilege to take a day and spend it snowshoeing around Mammoth in Yellowstone National Park on Saturday with some friends. We spent hours trekking around trails enjoying God’s wonderful creation of hotspots. It was quite the adventure, as we have never seen Yellowstone outside the context of summer. Snowshoeing has…

  • The “I suck at blogging, so here is what I’ve been up to” post

    The “I suck at blogging, so here is what I’ve been up to” post

    Well, it sure has been a while now, hasn’t it? Boy do I have a lot to share! First I would like to start of with talking about the upcoming trip to the Philippines. For those of you that don’t know. Jess and I are going to be traveling to the Philippines next week to…