Author: Jess

  • Lunch Times



    Brent and I have been lucky enough since the middle August to spend out lunches together. This has been an on and off things since we got married, but when we get to, we love it. It is a great time to catch up on each others days instead of going through all of the…

  • Our Adventures on Brent’s B’day

    Our Adventures on Brent’s B’day

    Here are some pictures of the adventures Brent and I took on his birthday. Read about it here. Enjoy the photos and be sure to click on the thumbnails for a full/larger view.

  • Brent’s Birthday Breakfast

    Brent’s Birthday Breakfast


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    Last night I was trying to figure out what to make Brent for his birthday breakfast. Since he normally makes breakfast, I decided that he could not on his birthday. I wanted to give him a day off as it is definitely deserved. His 26 years in this world and all the running he does…

  • Lewis and Clark Caverns

    Lewis and Clark Caverns

    It is always neat to go down into caves to see a different and unique view of God’s creation. We enjoyed hanging around the visitors center before we were able to head out on the tour. Krista and I wondered around for a few minutes and took a few pictures. It was starting to get…

  • One Last Time Out

    One Last Time Out

    A few years ago, we started a tradition of doing a family weekend with my parents and siblings. Unfortunately, my brother and his family was not able to join us this year. We decided to go camping over at the Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park for an evening. To make the trip even easier,…

  • The Perfect Run

    We woke up this morning, after having slept in a little tiny cabin that we rented for the night, to get ready for our last run that was longer than an hour before our marathon in two weeks. Our backs were a tad bit sore as Brent and I were cuddled up on a twin…

  • Gnated to Sloppiness

    It started out as a simple 5 miler on our normal route. We were running in the evening rather than our usual morning runs. It was nice to have been able to sleep in as the early morning runs are starting to get harder to do. The sun has disappeared and is not showing back…

  • Some of the best things in life…



    Some of the best things in life are the simplest things. This is not news to most of us. I think that most of us can appreciate the little things. These things can end up being the most important. I hope that we do not pass over them without realizing this. Some of these things…

  • Burnt Out

    Burnt Out



    The other day Brent was making his tasty puffed pancake for breakfast. He put the butter in the microwave to melt so that it could be mixed into his batter. All of a sudden, the microwave started sending out quick little spark noises. Brent could see the sparks flying and quickly turned it off. First…

  • Dinner for One

    Dinner for One


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    Brent headed over to some friends house tonight, but not before I whipped a batch of homemade brownies for all the guys. What guys do not want tasty brownies after pizza? What a combo. I then decided to make myself a tasty dinner for one. I had a bunch of fresh peppers and onion, a…

  • 21 Miles – The Good and Bad

    We woke up yesterday morning to the sounds of a thunderstorm rolling through. As the thunder sounded and the lightening struck, we could feel our house shaking around us. The rain was pouring down as we looked out the window trying to decide what to do with our 21 mile run we had planned for…

  • Post Run

    We survived the 21 mile run this late morning. This was quite the run filled with a little bit of good and a little bit of bad. There will be more on all of this later, so check back. For now, here are our post run ice bath pictures showing that we did survive. Oh…