Let it Snow!



In the last few days we have seen a fair amount of the seasonal precipitation that comes more often in a solid, crystalline form. Jess isn’t quite ready for it, or at least what it means for running (miserable, thats what it means). But I am ready! I love summer, but summer is always so busy. Evenings and weekends filled with outdoor activities to take advantage of the short season. Fall (or “Mostly Winter” as it should be noted) is a time when the pace of life slows, activities happen mostly indoors and you can cozy up in your favorite couch or chair, read books left untouched and drink your favorite hot beverage. I love winter. Yes, it can be wearing once you are in you 8th month of sub-freezing temperatures, have de-iced your vehicle 180+ times and shoveled your driveway enough times to audibly grumble while shoveling. Even with those drawbacks, I’ll take it!