Do you ever just feel like you want to say a bunch of different things, but never know how to get them out because of possibly hurting someone in the process? I am talking more about things that happen in your life. Things that you want to process by putting down the words and sharing them. I guess you could say that is what a journal is for, but for a me a journal has never worked. And sometimes others need to hear your struggles because they are going through the different things too.
Yet I find myself here talking to you about this, but not able to go through the motions to write the words that I truly want to say. I see others that say whatever they feel like. But is it worth it? Maybe what we all really need is a blog with an unknown identity. Could I talk about it then? Could I be vague enough to get my points across and have actual conversations that could lead to helpful tips and ideas on how to move forward?
I don’t know. I don’t know if it would be worth it. I don’t want to be Dear Abby. I just want honest conversations. I mean, we all struggle with family, friends, work, kids, life, snow, etc. (Threw that last one in there to see if you were really reading it. Plus I’m writing this as I watch the snow coming down).
I feel like the art of good conversation has diminished. We are distracted by too many things whether that is kids, endless streaming options, or just the constant noise that never seems to turn off. How can we bring it back? Maybe that is all I need. Is to find more ways to have genuine good conversation into the late hours like we did before kids.
I’m not sure how to leave this one. Just think about those things you wish you could talk about more openly. The struggles that you let build up and don’t know how to let go. How they might disappear quicker if we could just talk about them. Just think about it.