The Waiting Game



We steadily approach the one week post due notch, 41 weeks, in a couple days. Baby Powell still sits tight. Jess’s induction is scheduled if he isn’t here by then. It’s crazy how something happening on a schedule outside of your immediate control can put you into an odd state of mind. It’s not like we’re not ready. WE ARE! The bags are packed, plans for Elijah have been made, and the car seat is installed this time around. But we are waiting.

We didn’t have to play the waiting game the last time around. Elijah came a month early so we caught unprepared to say the least. The gas tank nearly empty, his car seat still uninstalled and we didn’t come with a “go” bag prepared. It came fast and hard. He was born just four hours after Jess’s water broke. Four hours after that, Elijah and I were on a plane to St. Vincent’s NICU. It was a crazy start to say the least.

But this time around, we wait. Jess is amazing though. I think to most people, they honestly wouldn’t know that she’d past due. Her attitude is great, her energy astounds me and she puts to shame the image of sweat-pant wearing shut-ins using pickles-as-spoons we often have of late third-trimester pregnant women. We went out last night and even looked at a couple homes in the Helena area. I was hoping the inconvenience would be enough to entice the little out. Our fridge is nearly empty, not wanting to go grocery shopping and have food go to waste. The freezer is full on the other hand, with prepped meals for after the baby comes. To top it all off, I just ran out of creamer at work…

I hope the next time you see an update on this blog, it’s not about us waiting.