Away From the Fireworks

With each passing year, I grow to dislike the days surrounding the 4th of July more and more. I usually have to work, get up early for our church service or various other random events. Hearing the fireworks go off for hours past the cutoff time from the city always makes the next morning a difficult one. We only heard a few random fireworks a couple days leading up to the 4th and a few after. All of these of course being set off illegally as the city only legally allows you to set off fireworks for certain days and times.
This year, Brent and I escaped up to the mountains for the weekend. It was fantastic. We enjoyed a couple nice quiet evenings at our campsite and a couple hikes. One of which was the last of its kind for this pregnant lady. I was at 23 weeks and we went on a hike that was only about 2 miles up to the peak. Not bad right? Well, it was 2000 feet of elevation gain. That is what took it out of me. We took it slow and had fun. I just know I wouldn’t be able to do a hike like that again being farther along. This was another one of those hikes that I have wanted to do for years. I have gotten close, but took the Bridger foothills trail instead of going to the top. All in all, it was a great weekend away from Bozeman.