Sickness & Changes

RunningBrent and I rarely get the bug that goes around this time of year. I have been immune to it. I am convinced it is because of my running and how much healthier that it makes me. Well, this year was different. Last Thursday I came down with that wonderful stomach flu that had been going out. I missed work and I missed my next three runs because of it. One of them included my long weekend run. This was a hard thing for me to miss. It is hard enough for me to miss a short weekday run do to anything, but a long weekend run is almost devastating. This is something that I cannot really explain to people. On Tuesday, I decided to give running a try. It was a beautiful morning. My friend met me at my house and we headed out the door just as the snow started to fly. Breathing did not feel right but I plugged away at it. I loved getting back out their.

Then Tuesday night hit. I was up all night with a terrible cold. It was miserable, so I just couldn’t sleep. I cancelled Wednesday morning’s run and went straight to the store before worked to get drugged up. It was a rough day. I was exhausted and there was a ton of built up pressure in my head. Thursday was not much better, but I was convinced I was getting better. By Friday I knew there was no way I could run the 18 miles that was on my ultra training schedule. I met with my friend and we discussed not doing the ultra. We came to an agreement that it would be better not to. With missing two long weekend runs and still being sick, I did not think I could make up and of the time and be where I need to be for the ultra.

I was disappointed but at the same time I felt relieved. Brent and I (and my running friend) are all working on going on a mission trip to Nepal in May. We are going to have several weekend fundraisers and other meetings to prepare us. I new that it was the right decision and with a week of praying about it, I came to peace about the decision. Brent told me that I will have another year to try for one and it will happen. I just picked the wrong timing for this one.

Here I sit on Saturday morning where I hoped to be able to go out for at least an hour run to see how I would do. Well, I am still sick and I woke up with almost no voice. I am hoping that I can get healthy by the time the weekend it over and start running again. I am planning on running a half marathon in March and then I hope to run the 25k at the same event as the ultra. We will see what happens.