Snowshoeing in the Chilliness of Winter

Last weekend we decided that we wanted to take put on the snowshoes and go for a little hike. We found out that some of our friends were already planning on doing this, so we joined them. We did not really know what we were getting ourselves into. It was -5˚ when I got out of bed around 8 a.m. By the time we headed out the door, it was about 2˚. We still were going because when Brent and I go we usually spend about an hour or so out. Since it was so cold we didn’t even know if we would make it that long. We got up there and the people we were with decided to keep trekking along form waterfall to waterfall. We made it just over 2.5 miles back in but because of the stops my body was getting cold. We had a blast, but I didn’t spend too much time capturing the scenery. It was about 5˚ in the mountains and by the time we made it back into town it was still around 2˚ and dropping with the sun. Despite the cold, we had a good time hanging with some new friends of ours. The car ride back was most excellent as I turned on the heated seat and just took it in.

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