I go through phases, since Brent and I got married when I am completely satisfied with where we are in life and wanting to have children. I have been watching my bosses children grow up over the last couple years. At one point, his daughter would tell him that she loved me and would run up to me to say hi and give me a hig. How could I not want kids when a cute little girl does that to me? More recently, it has been seeing Brent’s and my niece over the last year and a half. It has been great watching her grow up and seeing her personality develop. I am not going to lie. I got some really good quality time in with her in Oregon and it really made me want a child of my own. There is just something about holding a child. Other things that have been making me want a child is seeing my friends over the last two years having babies. They are so happy and the little ones are all so cute.
Despite all of these reasons for wanting to have kids right now, I am enjoying my time with Brent. I know that things will never be he same after we have kids and I want to take advantage of this time we have together. There are also a few things we would like to accomplish and a few more places we would like to go. We have said since we got married that we are on the five year plan. We still are! Three years down and two to go. To be honest we are not in a big hurry. If it happens to go past five years, I will not be dissapointed as I know that God has it in His timing for us.
I am also very excited for the day when, God-willing, we can adopt a child. I look forward to giving a child a life that he or she would have otherwise never been able to live. For now, Brent and I continue to pray for our future family and for our abilities as parents. We look forward our future as parents and the family life that we hope to one day have. We will continue to watch those children around us grow up and take joy in their next stages of life. One day, we will be at that point in our lives.