Tag: nikon D7000

  • Ousel Falls

    Ousel Falls

    Now I know that most of you have seen Jess’s photos from this hike, but I’d like to share mine as well. Here you go!

  • Camping Up Hyalite

    Camping Up Hyalite

    Last weekend, Jess and I went car camping up Hyalite Canyon for a night. It was a beautiful evening and the stars were out in full force. I hope that you enjoy my photos!

  • Castle Rock

    Castle Rock

    Now it has been a while since I’ve posted anything on the blog, some of the reasons for which I will be getting to in a later post. Jess and I have done a great many things over the course of the last few months and this was one rates at the top of the…

  • Oh Spring!

    Oh Spring!

    As the days have become longer, the weather has improved by leaps and bounds. Ironically though, this morning brought us snow. It’s not really all that surprising though, as Montana weather usually throws us random bits of snow through June, even if the day prior was a whopping 80Ëš! A few nights back, Jess and…

  • Dinner Around The World – The Philippines

    Dinner Around The World – The Philippines

    Last night, Jess and I, along with some other friends took the opportunity to revise a college tradition. While living in family and graduate housing at MSU, we would regularly get together for an international cuisine night. It was a great time to pull out some recipes or perhaps try something new, but it mostly…

  • Nifty Fifty

    Nifty Fifty

    I recently picked up a new lens so I took it along with me during a few activities this last week. The new addition to our lens arsenal is the Nikon 50mm 1.8G, a fifty millimeter prime lens with a f1.8 aperture. This will hopefully alleviate a boiling point in the Powell household, who gets…

  • Christmas Tree Hunting

    Christmas Tree Hunting

    Along with the annual Bozeman Christmas Stroll, another tradition that Jess and I have been faithful to is the procuring of our seasonal, indoor evergreen. We have decided that whenever possible, it is best to go to the natural habitat of such a specimen to ensure the full authenticity of the act. As we have…

  • Christmas Stroll

    Christmas Stroll

    Jess and I have made it a tradition to go to the annual Christmas Stroll in downtown Bozeman. If you’ve never been to Bozeman, it has a beautiful, historic downtown that the city closes a section off for various events throughout the year, this happens to be our favorite event. There is something to be…

  • Afternoon Snow

    The other afternoon, we had a wet and heavy snow fall, one in which put out Jess’s hopes for a run, but was beautiful none the less. I decided to pull out the camera and shoot these shots from my work window. I hope you enjoy!

  • First Equals Last? – Part 3

    Finally, I can wrap up this crazy three-part series about our trip to Oregon, the Portland Marathon and now finally the remainder of the trip. I won’t bore you with another 1500 word essay. Instead, I will present to you the rest of the trip, in pictures. Ask questions if you have ’em in the…

  • Delinquent Photographer

    I’ve been sitting on some photos lately and decided I should share some of the wonderful fall weather that we’ve been having. It is so unusual to have fall colors last so long. As I’ve summed up Montana weather before, there’s four seasons: winter, still winter, summer and almost winter. This year, we’ve barely touched…

  • Recent Photography

    Recent Photography

    So, I finally had the chance to download the pictures from my camera and go through them and here’s the pick of the litter. It has been fun enjoying the relatively mild Fall that we have had so far this year. I hope that the eventual dip in temperatures won’t hamper my photography/video. I hope…