Author: Jess

  • I Could Not Resist

    I Could Not Resist

    The other night I set out on a beautiful evening run with the husband. The temperature was in the 40s with hardly a glimpse of snow on the ground for a February day. The sun was slowly starting to go down as we hit the pavement. Spring was in the air, at least for this…

  • Windy Destruction

    Windy Destruction



    Tonight as the wind howled outside, we were inside enjoying a nice game with my parents before they take off in the morning. As we were enjoying the game, the wind decided to take a stab at our BBQ grill. There it went crashing down. It decided to pull a yard sale crash landing all…

  • Retirement and a cake! Congrats Dad!

    Retirement and a cake! Congrats Dad!

    My dad was a lucky man this last Friday. He was able to enjoy his last day of work. He is now a retired man. After years of hard work, he finally is able to sit down and relax, but not quite yet. He still has to make the big move out to Oregon with…

  • Yet again…

    Yet again…



    Brent is on a breakfast roll this week… Oh yes…He rocks. Enough Said.

  • Happy V-day!

    Happy V-day!



    I woke up this morning to Brent telling me to sleep in! Sure thing as I thought as he hopped in the shower and I just laid in bed. Then he headed downstairs as I got ready for the day. As I made my way downstairs, I could hear Brent fiddling around in the kitchen.…

  • Going Away…

    Last night, we threw my parents a surprise going away party. They are less than two weeks away from embarking on a new adventure in Oregon. We invited many people to come and get a few last goodbyes in before the big move. It was great to see everyone supporting them and excited for their…

  • Increased Mileage Update

    Increased Mileage Update

    I have been plugging away at logging my long runs over the last several weekends. From here on out, I will not be going below a 16 miler. (Other than my midweek mileage). When I trained for the Portland Marathon, I think I ran a total of 4 runs over 15 miles which included one…

  • I Run To Be…

    I Run To Be…

    Free Me Victorious Healthy Strong A Finisher   After finishing the Nike+ Women’s Half Marathon in January, Nike sent all finishers this awesome bracelet. I received my today! Love it! I love this sport of mine and I love being reminded of why I run.  

  • Persuasion



    Reading update: I finished another book! I am sure this is something that is very interesting to all of you, but I just have to share. I have this deep desire inside to read, but I never do. There are so many books out there that I would love to open. I don’t know why…

  • Baby Shower Creations

    Baby Shower Creations

    Other the last few months, my friend and I had the privilege of putting together a baby shower for our close friend. After countless times getting together to “plan”, which always turned it to fun chatter time, we finally got everything planned out. We took one night to decorate cookies, using the best sugar cookie recipe (my…

  • Update: No Snow



    I don’t know if you remember, but back around November I was complaining about running in the snow. I did not know how I was going to work out my runs after it dumped outside. Well, the sad thing is….I haven’t had to. There is no snow. We did have it dump a couple times,…

  • Solstice


    As Brent and I were wondering around downtown Bozeman today, we stumbled across the Schnee’s Warehouse Sale. We stepped inside hoping to find a new pair of dress/work shoes for me and maybe Brent. I dropped down one size in shoes after I started running 2 years ago and it has been that long since…