Author: Jess
Despite only having my longest ride be 35 miles, I managed to ride from Seattle to Portland! The ride was a blast and the company was great. Now I have two century rides under my belt and in one weekend! More on the ride later!
A View of the Valley on Indepedance Day
Brent and I were house sitting over the fourth for some friends that live up in the foothills of the Bridger Mountains. This gave us an amazing view of the valley for the 4th of July. We were not very close to the fireworks going off in town, but that didn’t matter. We had…
Canoes, Elephants and More!
Day 5 (Sunday) Chitwan National Park, Nepal After a non-air conditioned night’s sleep, I woke up to almost normal sized ankles! It was also another early morning as we had a whole day of events planned. We met everyone for breakfast in the comfortable morning air. It was nice and relaxing not to hear the…
Jim Bridger Trail Run
A few weeks ago, my running friend approached me and asked if I would be interested in running the Jim Bridger Trail Run. I was unsure as I had not been running much with just getting back from Nepal and having been sick for the week after getting back. I kicked my running back up…
A Drive to Chitwan
Day 4 (Saturday) Chitwan National Park, Nepal We woke up early for breakfast as we needed to leave the hotel by 6:15 in the morning. This was not bad as I was still waking up fairly early with the sun coming in the window. We were not planning on coming back to this hotel, so…
The Recruiting Officer
Last night, we went with several friends to the second Montana Shakespeare in the Parks play. It was terrific. They did such an amazing job. I love this tradition of going each year that Brent and I started the first year we were married. Sometimes we go alone and sometimes with friends. No matter what,…
Stone Creek
Brent and I wanted to go for a hike the other weekend, so we brought out the hiking book. We picked some place we’ve never been and went for it. Turns out, this would be a great place for me to mountain bike since I don’t like steep climbs mostly because of coming down the…
Time for a Play in the Park
It is that time of year again for Shakespeare in the Parks. Henry V O! for a Muse of fire, that would ascend The brightest heaven of invention! A kingdom for a stage, princes to act And monarchs to behold the swelling scene. (Chorus.1) I was in a black and white mood!
God’s Calling is Not Always Easy
Day 3 (Friday) Kathmandu, Nepal We met the third trekking team for breakfast before they headed out on their high-altitude adventure. It wasn’t as early as the day before which was nice, but I still woke up with plenty of time to sit and take in the noises in the city again. This time I…
Errands & a Child
Day 2 (Thursday) Kathmandu, Nepal The alarm went off early in the morning, so that Brent could eat breakfast and catch the bus to take him to where he would start trekking. I went down to breakfast with him so I could spend a few more moments with him. Our first breakfast in Nepal was…
Hinduism/Buddhism vs. Christianity
Shortly after we got back from Nepal, we had a sermon at Venture on Hinduism & Buddhism verse Christianity. I wanted to write a post similar to this before I had heard the sermon, but I think this was very well done. I am not sure I could have done better myself. I want to…
Leis, a Hindu Temple, Cows and Jet Lag
Day 1 (Wednesday) Kathmandu, Nepal As we saw the views flying into town, we could already get a glimpse of what we were about to experience. I saw smoke stacks from brick factories lining the outskirts of the city as we were dipping below the smog and haze. I could see bits and pieces of…