Author: Brent
Simply a Wonderful Day
As many of you may know, yesterday marked the 26th year anniversary of my life. Can’t say that it feels much different than the previous year, but in retrospect, a lot has changed or happened. We raised support and went to the Philippines, made many trips to see family and even an adventure or two,…
My Wheels!
[singlepic id=221 w=320 h=240 float=center] Now that the company I work for recently relocated to Bozeman, my commute has decreased considerable from 25 minutes to just five minutes. And being that the office is almost exactly one mile away, I can now ride my bike to work. Now I am not a foreigner to the…
21 Miles of Elevation Profiles
When Jess and I set out on our 21 mile run last weekend, I was hoping for an experience closer to that of our 16 mile run a few weeks back. Unfortunately, the experience was rough. You can of course read all about it here and see Jess’ account of the run. My story did deviate…
This is My Wife
[singlepic id=212 w=600 float=center] This is my wife, she is a runner. She recently ran a half marathon, one which I sat out on. Not because of an injury, but because I wanted to sit on the sidelines and cheer my wife on to what ended up being a great race for her. It was…
A Trail of Photos
As I had talked about last time, our adventures this summer have taken us to many new locations. However, we have spent a lot of time near to home as well. The summer always provides some great opportunities to go out, grab the camera and have some fun. We have had a great time perusing local trails…
Elevation Profiles
So, as you know, we have had some pretty great adventures over this summer. Whether running, hiking, biking or driving, we’ve been all over the place and covered some very interesting terrain. From the bottom of the various valleys and to the tops of mountains, we have also covered some generous elevations too. I’ll start…
I forgot why I liked you
Driving down a winding, high altitude gravel road, memories of my early driving days came back to me. The days when I hung a stopwatch from my mirror and blasted down the gravel road on my way to school. We won’t get into the specifics, but I learned a lot about how a car handled…
The Alphabet (in pictures)
So….. Jess and I want to be better photographers, and we decided we needed an exercise to hone in our skills. So we decided to spell out the alphabet, in pictures. We thought that this would be simple, but it took us nearly all day to accomplish. So here is my attempt at the ABC’s.…
Retirement (new shoes)
As most of you may know, Jess and I recently purchased some new running shoes. Jess logged around 1,000 miles of travel, while I estimate around 800 miles on mine. I would like to take the time to say that these miles include hiking as well as running. So here’s to my good ole Brooks Defiance’s and…
Jewel Lake
As my lovely wife has already shared, we went for a beautiful hike last weekend up to Pine Creek Lake. It was a beautiful trip up the 3000 ft. trail. We started a bit later than we had hoped, but because we were traveling during sunset, we saw some amazing views that were simply astounding.…
My Brights Were On (Madison Marathon)
Okay, so some of you (facebook people) may know what the title refers to, but to the rest here is the whole story. Jess and I rose early Sunday morning for the hour journey to Ennis, MT for the forth annual Madison Marathon where we would be running the half. We got dressed, grabbed our…