Author: Brent
STP (the day before)
Jess and I woke early in the morning, trying to give myself enough time to gather all my things. The night prior I had installed my new pedals (Shimano T105) and a cycling computer (Blackburn Denali) and roughly gathered all my other extraneous gear together. It was still dark out, with just a slight silvery…
STP Day 1
Today started off early. We woke up at five, groggily preparing our gear, double checking supplies and eventually getting on the road. The drive to the start line was slow, hundreds of cars with bikes on or behind them, queued up down the Seattle streets. We arrived at the University of Washington parking lot a…
Lava Lake (Brent’s View)
On Sunday, Jess and I went for a quick hike up Lava Lake in the Gallatin Canyon. It has been fun hiking trails that I have yet to encounter this summer. Lava Lake is a fairly iconic lake to visit, but I have never taken the time to go there. It was a warm summer…
Random Downtown Photos
In keeping with my current stride of three, yes three, consecutive posts, here are some pictures that I took a few nights ago in search of a photo of the day for the Powell Media site. Enjoy! [slideshow]
Ousel Falls
Now I know that most of you have seen Jess’s photos from this hike, but I’d like to share mine as well. Here you go!
Camping Up Hyalite
Last weekend, Jess and I went car camping up Hyalite Canyon for a night. It was a beautiful evening and the stars were out in full force. I hope that you enjoy my photos! [slideshow]
Castle Rock
Now it has been a while since I’ve posted anything on the blog, some of the reasons for which I will be getting to in a later post. Jess and I have done a great many things over the course of the last few months and this was one rates at the top of the…
Different Trail
Jess and I went out this evening to the Cherry Creek access. It was a great evening to snap some pictures. I hope you enjoy them! [slideshow]
‘M’ Trail in Spring
After helping out with the Stamping Out Hunger food drive we decided to head up to the ‘M’ trail for a little hike. We took the midway cutoff, which provides some different scenery than the normal. It was a beautiful clear day which provided a great opportunity for some photos. [slideshow]
Stamping Out Hunger
Last weekend, Jess and I had the wonderful opportunity to help out with the Stamp Out Hunger food drive here in Bozeman. For those of you who don’t know what this event is, it is where the US Post Office worker pick up donated food at their normal postal stops and deliver it to the…
To Nashville and Back
As you are all well aware, we embarked a few weeks ago on our 7-day trip to Nashville. We primarily we there to see my brother, his wife and two-year old daughter, but we also registered for the Country Music Rock’N’Roll, Jess the marathon, and myself the half. We worked a half-day on Wednesday to…