I know I have already talked about this a little. When you get a card in the mail that says “in my imaginary neighborhood you live right next door…”, I can’t help but shed more tears over the recent move. I can’t help but think of the tears that we have shed and the ones that were shed on our behalf. We made those tears fall for our friends and family back in Bozeman. Now, I know they are happy for our new adventures, but they are hurting. We left them. Those friends and family that we’ve been so close to over the years. We just left them.
No more random walks to take the kids to the park. No more random nights binge watching a tv show. No more girls night dinners. No more family dinners with our friends. No more early morning runs. No more random drop byes just to say hi. No more last minute hang outs. No more crazy hikes up a side of a mountain. No more coffee dates. I could go on.
As I know that these aren’t going to happen on a regular basis, I look forward to the new types of memories we get to share. I will get to run with these friends and family again. I will get to go on a hike and have dinners. It is just going to be different and few and far in between. Those that we were the closest with these memories will continue. Though the tears come and go. Old memories fade and new ones are created. These people will always be in my heart. We may have created the tears, but it is all because of the love that we have for you all and the new desires that God has given us. We will trust that He knows what is happening and will create a new set of friends and a great life for us here. Wherever here is going to be.