As I write this post, I am sitting on a sleeping bag in the master bedroom of our house in Bozeman. Our bed is gone, few items still remain in the house. I can’t sleep. My mind is torn between the new adventure that lies ahead and the friends and family we leave behind. A little bit of heartburn doesn’t help the fact either. We’ve had two nights in a row with friends, special moments with those that have become our family here. Tomorrow, we set off in a moving truck, all our possessions in tow to The Dalles, OR. Hopefully, rest finds me and delivers me ready for the long haul.
Ahead of us is a new job in White Salmon, WA, where I will be on staff at Skyline hospital in their IT team. We’ve been looking for new opportunities for the past few months, an we decided that westward was the direction. We will be staying with Jess’s parents in The Dalles for a couple months while our house sells in Bozeman. Fortunately the market here has been quite good to us and we were able to get a contract in place in less than two weeks and are set to close in mid-November.
So now it is time to say farewell to Bozeman, MT. It has been an amazing twelve years for me. It was my first foray into a world away from home, the place where I found love, served the Lord in various ministries and positions, and established the beginnings of our little family. So many memories were made here, the past four years have provided us with deep relationships that make this move feel unbearable at times. But, we are ready for this new chapter to begin, feeling at peace with what God is calling of us.
And with that I leave this post, to hopefully get some rest. Tomorrow brings a long journey. Our hearts will be heavy, both with sadness and with excitement. Our heaviest goodbyes come in the morning. We have put off our goodbye to Jess’s sister Krista. She has not only been an amazing sister, but I count her as my best friend. As we leave the town, county and state borders, I hope that the heaviness in our hearts lifts and yields way to the excitement of the path ahead.