Well friends, I was planning on posting this over on my business site to give people a little insight into my life and my family. My website isn’t liking me, so here I am giving it to you all instead. Enjoy!
Quarantine Walk

Earlier in the week we decided to get out and enjoy an outdoor quarantine walk. Since the shelter in place went into effect, we needed an outlet to enjoying something a little different. We had gone on an earlier morning walk through the park and I came up with the idea of a nature scavenger hunt. I’m pretty proud of myself because I am don’t do very well with ideas of what to do with the big kiddo.
This was a welcomed change to our current day to day at home. Since outdoor exercise is allowed, why not make it a little more fun for the kiddo? The hubby printed off a little scavenger hunt checklist. I packed up the baby. We grabbed a bag and set off towards the park which is only about two blocks away.

We got to the park and enjoyed Elijah looking around for his list of items which included a rock, a leaf, a flower, something yellow, something blue, a feather, a stick, bark, a pinecone and pine nettles. I might have missed an item, but you get the idea. It is the perfect winter scavenger hunt since there could be several other items to look for like bugs come summer time.
I hope you enjoy this little walk we took. We sure had some fun exploring the park and looking for items. The little trails were the perfect way to keep our 6 feet of distance to practice social distancing. Please enjoy my little family as much as I do.