The photographer in me can’t help but do basically all the different types of sessions around a newborn. You can do a birth session, a fresh 48 and a newborn session. Part of me would have liked a birth photographer while the other part of me kind of cringes at the thought of it. It’s a silly little battle inside. But I don’t know any photographers around Helena that do birth photography nor have I found any local photographers that I really like yet. I’m a little picky when it comes to a family photographer. To be honest, my favorite family photographer I have found lives in Australia. So that is never going to happen. Plus I love my style, biased I know, and can take almost all the photos I’d want anyways.
Enough rambling. Brent took some pictures moments after Fitz came while I was basically bawling my eyes out. I wanted to hold him right after birth so bad. Doing that and not getting an epidural were basically the only two things on my non-existent birth plan. I didn’t get that time with Elijah, so it was all I wanted with baby boy number two. I got it! Enough about Fitz’ birth story. I’ll save the rest of that for a birth story post if I ever get to it.
Newborn Session
At a week and a couple days post birth, I got my husband onboard with taking the time to do newborn photos. Let me set something straight. I didn’t have to convince him, we just needed to pick up our little apartment and get ourselves ready. The hardest part was finding something for me to wear. Maternity clothes were now to big and awkward looking while no regular clothes fit like they had with Elijah at this point. It’s amazing what a second baby, going 5 weeks longer and breastfeeding can do to a women’s body. All you other moms hear me?
I found what fit and just dealt. Well, let’s be honest. My pants didn’t fit, but the shirt was long enough to cover them being held together with a hairband like I was 5-6 months pregnant again. The belly is no longer the big issue. It’s the wider hips. Well, the belly is still there a bit of course. But it’s mostly the hips for me at this point.
There I go rambling away again. It’s how I find myself thinking and I like my blog posts to sound like me. So…Enjoy the rambling because it will not stop.
We got all set up. Took the pictures I wanted. Didn’t take some because certain angles weren’t really possible with a tripod. The only problem with not hiring someone else to take newborn photos for us. The big kiddo even was a little excited to take pictures at first and the pup wanted in on it too.
If you missed Fitz’ fresh 48, take a look here. Otherwise enjoy this newborn session in our little cluttered apartment. You bet I hide as much of it as I could. And I couldn’t decide on the like 700 pictures we took, so enjoy multiple galleries. Our blog didn’t like one big gallery, so there are like FOUR. Enjoy!
Also, be sure to check out my business page at I’d love to book a session with you! I’m mostly into couples these days, but right now I can’t help the but love newborns too. So go ahead and inquire. I’d love to capture any special moment for you and your family.