I accepted the job, finished the house to get it on the market and drove out to Montana to work a couple weeks. We are full swing into a new chapter of life, yet this seems more like a prelude. Nothing is settled, everything feels up in the air. It makes me think of catching a pop-fly ball when you know you have it, but you’re momentarily blinded by the sun. If you lean into that understanding, you have two options, let it land in you mitt with ease as you trust your experience and instinct, or you can second guess and miss the opportunity. I hope I’m in the former, not the latter.
The last two months have blown by so fast. So much work, so much anticipation! Yet now, we wait. Jess’s sister came for a bit to help pack, so with days to spare, we are pretty much ready to move everything into the U-haul at the end of the week. Headwaters (my new employer) is gracious to allow me to work from home and get some hours in before the move. And with that I’ll leave you with some pictures of my drive out to Montana.