One of the most exciting steps in a pregnancy is when you get to find out the gender of baby! I know that some people like to wait, but that just isn’t my cup of tea. I feel like I need to know to really get down to planning and being prepared. Now I’m not huge into doing specific colors of clothes one way or the other, but it is just easier to shop if you know. Even though there are so many wonderful gender neutral things out there. I also buy colors based on what I like not based on the gender.
Finding out the gender also makes it seem more real to me. I am getting more and more excited. Spending an hour looking at the little one during the ultrasound made my heart so happy. Seeing that everything was looking good also made for a wonderful way to start the weekend. With each passing day, a miscarriage seems even less and less likely. Being this far along, I’m talking a day shy of 21 weeks as I write this, makes the odds so so so low. I am honestly starting to believe that this is really happening. Those fears I had at the beginning are almost gone. They do creep up every now and then, but that is life and I’m dealing with them pretty well. They last for only mere moments and I can move on a be happy again.
Also, the name game. It isn’t going anywhere right now. I have no clue what to name this baby. Maybe I should just take a hint from Bird Box. But really, who is going to name their kid just boy or girl. Sometimes I call Elijah kid or something like that, but it’s only for fun. All of this to say, I am lost. No names on my list. What is a list anyways?
Ok. So I know why you are all really here. You want to know the gender. I just felt like giving you all an update on pregnancy life and some random thoughts. Well…someone give me a drum roll please….
Baby Powell #2 is a BOY! Yes! That is right, I am sticking with being a boy mom! Life is sure going to be fun around the Powell household, but I’m excited that I’ve done this once before. Bring out the boxes of clothes from Elijah and I’ll be set. Well, minus a few items. I have started a little registry, because why not? There are things you can’t use twice and it will have been almost four years. Momma needs some new stuff around the house or big brother wore somethings out too.