You all have been following along on my pregnancy journey. I want to thank you for your prayers and investment into thinking about me. Your kind words and support have meant a lot. I decided that it’s time I give you an update on how it has all been going.

For those of you that don’t know, I am pregnant! Today as I am writing this, I am a day shy of 15 weeks along. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have made it this far and into my second trimester. Since having Elijah, my longest pregnancy took me to a day past 6 weeks. With every new day and week, I get more and more excited. It has been hard to be overly excited and to realize and think that this is actually happening. That is why each new day and week brings me a step closer to really feeling like this is going to happen. God has been so good to make this one continue and we pray that it keeps on going.
By this time with Elijah, we had both a list of boy and girl names. The reality is that I haven’t been able to bring myself to that point as of yet. Maybe it will happen after my next appointment? Maybe at the 20 week ultrasound when we find out what we are having? I just don’t know. Part of me doesn’t want to get that connected. The other part does. But for now, I will wait. A name will happen whether we choose one now or later. Besides, we won’t be telling anyone the name we pick until I pop. No hurry right? We still have 6 months to go.
The other thing that has come with this pregnancy is extra doctor appointments that begin in March. To help keep the baby cooking to full term, I’ll be going in for a progesterone shot from 16 weeks through 36 weeks each week. Then between weeks 16 and 26, I get an extra ultrasound to make sure the shot isn’t affecting my body in an unhealthy way. This is all on top of my regular appointments. I could use your prayers during this unforeseen busy schedule. It will all be worth it. I’d rather be doing this than having another preterm labor. (For those of you that don’t know, Elijah was born at 35.6 weeks.)
Besides these shots and extra ultrasounds, I have been having a normal pregnancy. I even was one of the lucky ones to get some morning sickness symptoms which made cooking difficult or impossible. However, I know that it wasn’t the worst thing I could experience since I could still eat food if I didn’t have to cook it or watch the process unfold myself.
I’d appreciate your continued prayers. Again, thank you so much for all your support over the last almost two years. It has meant a lot to us and I hope my story has been an encouragement for you as well. Keep trusting in God. He has a better plan out there for us. It is hard to imagine what could be better than what we see is the best option for us. He has it under control. Even I ask why not then and why now? I might not every know, but God either saved me from something I didn’t see or this is just going to be better than what I could ever have imagined.