We spent some time this summer taking a look around the local woods to spot the perfect place to go tree hunting. We found several places that looked like there were some pretty great trees. My sister was coming to town the week before Thanksgiving, so we decided to take her out with us.
We headed up towards Mt. Hood and our favorite camping spots to drive down some forest service roads. We trekked out in the woods over logs and just had a good old time. I also forgot to take a picture of our actual tree, but we got our holiday Christmas card picture. It was fun to go tree hunting with my sister again. It’s our favorite way to start out the season.
Also, Elijah got his own little tree and he is pretty proud of it! It hangs out on his night stand in his room. It’s completely fantastic. Although, I think we will buy him a little potted one next year that will grow slowly over the years and eventually plant it outside.