Leaving Bozeman



I started saying goodbye to Bozeman back in July when Brent actively started applying for jobs around the Pacific Northwest. Now, it has always been a dream of ours to leave Bozeman. I wanted an adventure. I had only ever moved from the northern part of Montana down to the Gallatin Valley with my parents when I was 12. However, moving West was not what we had in mind for our first adventure. We wanted to go experience something completely different than what we knew. The East coast has always intrigued me with all the cities and people. Now I never had a specific place in mind. I just wanted to go. This dream was still years down the road before Elijah came along. After Elijah, Brent randomly through out a resume. Nothing ever came of any of them.

Around July, different things happened in our life that triggered a new found desire for Brent to apply for a job in the PNW. With several applications submitted, we waited to see what God would do. Two interviews later, Brent knew that God was showing us where we needed to go. Brent got the call, we contacted our relator and our house was on the market. Just over a week later, our house was under contract. The next thing we knew, we were packing and then driving down the road to start our new adventure.

Even though I had said goodbye to Bozeman, I hadn’t really thought about how hard the goodbyes to friends and family would be. Being in Bozeman for that long, I met a lot of people and became close with several over the years. There were a couple goodbyes that were the hardest. We kept pushing those off till the last minute a few on Saturday night and then the hardest of all on Sunday morning, my sister. I had been crying for days leading up to the weekend. Even with all the tears shed, there was still plenty more to accompany me on the long drive West. The poor husband was in the drivers seat trying to consul me. My phone going off from the loved ones checking in and I was sobbing every time I thought of them. Which was a lot of times.

Now that we are in our temporary home, the tears aren’t coming as often anymore. I just feel like I am on vacation visiting family. When will this reality hit me again? Will it? I am excited for this adventure, don’t get me wrong. However, leaving Bozeman was one of the hardest things I’ve done. You are all so loved and are truly missed. COME VISIT THE PNW!