Brent and I knew that their were several trails throughout Bozeman, but never thought too much about running on them. After we ran our second half marathon last year, Brent decided to map out a new fun run that used the trails on the east side of town. He was able to connect four of the trail systems together to make a 7.3 mile loop. We started to drive out to the trailhead about two times a week to get away from everything that seemed like we were in town. It is a refreshing location to run. The first trail goes for about a mile and a half before we hit the street that connects us to the other trail. This section is densely forested which makes us feel as though we are not even in Bozeman any more. The next trail goes for about a half of a mile till we veer left to go out onto the street as we make our way around a golf course till we reach our next trail. This trail is the difficult part as we have to run up a fairly steep section which puts us above Bozeman peering down upon it for another mile. The trail starts coming to an end as we weave our way down another steep section where we cross the road onto a different trail. This section is fairly straight as we are running along the major trail system in Bozeman. After crossing a few streets and intersections, we make our way back onto the first couple trails and head back to the car.
Brent and I decided to run our Bozeman trail route in place of our 6 miler on Tuedsay. I think we needed that refresher as we have been plugging away at training for the marathon. We are looking forward to the training coming to an end and being able to hop back on this trail more often. At least as often as we are able before the snow comes. As the trail is nearing an end, we pear down at our watches to see how it went this time. Considering the few walking breaks we took, as we did not give ourselves enough time after eating dinner, we still did better than we had been running the trail last year and at the beginning of this year. That made us both feel pretty good as it is always good to see improvement.
Last night, we decided to take a walk on the first part of the trail as we have always wanted to take pictures down there, but never have. We did not make it too far down the trail as we stopped so many times to take pictures and to look at everything we do not normally see while running. It was great to see the trail in a new light than before. There are so many little hidden treasures that surround the trail itself. Enjoy the pictures from our walk last night!