


That’s right, Brent and I went hunting yesterday. Now we didn’t get up early and pack a bunch of gear because I’m not talking about what everyone is thinking about. We started our hunt for a church. We decided to check out the church that the ladies at story time told me about. We thought it would be a good place to start since we didn’t know much about any church in the area. 

This church is over in Hood River across the bridge from White Salmon. I hadn’t thought about checking across the water until I found out that they have bible study groups over in White Salmon. Plus a little drive across the river is still basically in our community. I mean a drive from there to the church is only 15 minutes. That’s like driving across Bozeman.

We had a great time at the service which lasted an hour and 45 minutes. Although it was that long, they had a very intentional time. We enjoyed ourselves and were welcomed by so many people. We will definitely return and check it out again. It was great to have such a good first experience at the first place we tried.