Tag: Weather

  • And it’s happening…

    And it’s happening…



    Happy March first everyone! For those of you in the warmer climate, I invite you to join is in Bozeman to finish out this lovely winter we are having! Ha! On second thought, I don’t think I can take that feels like temperature anymore. Can I come visit you? Enjoy your warm weather for me!

  • Ridin’ da Bike

    Ridin’ da Bike

    As the weather has been steadily improving, the whole community has been waking up. It used to be that Jess and I could run for miles and not see another person walking, let alone running. Now the fair-weather, winter-afflicted souls our out about creating the hustle and bustle that make Bozeman so enjoyable in the…

  • Windy Destruction

    Windy Destruction



    Tonight as the wind howled outside, we were inside enjoying a nice game with my parents before they take off in the morning. As we were enjoying the game, the wind decided to take a stab at our BBQ grill. There it went crashing down. It decided to pull a yard sale crash landing all…