A Break in Running for a Quick Photo Op

Increased Mileage Update

A Break in Running for a Quick Photo Op
A Break in Running for a Quick Photo Op

I have been plugging away at logging my long runs over the last several weekends. From here on out, I will not be going below a 16 miler. (Other than my midweek mileage). When I trained for the Portland Marathon, I think I ran a total of 4 runs over 15 miles which included one 15.5 miler, one 16 miler, one 18 miler, and finally one 21 miler. Now that I am doing this new training schedule, it seems crazy to me that I only had 4 “long” runs. I have already done one 15 miler, two 16 milers, and an 18 miler. From here on out, it is a 16 miler or a 20 miler till I start tapering down in April for the marathon. This will add up to several hours of hitting the pavement solo. It has been good to find my self in running these long distances as well as the short ones throughout the week. Brent had always been by my side over the previous two years. It was certainly an adjustment running by myself, but I have finally come to enjoy the moments of me and my thoughts alone. I have also started listening to podcast sermons during these long runs. It has been a great time to learn more about Jesus and what I believe in. Especially since Brent and I are in transition of trying to find a new church.

My 18 miler last weekend went amazingly well. To get done with a long run and feel so great, is always an accomplishment and encouragement. I hope these extra long runs will prepare me for another great marathon in Nashville and maybe one in San Francisco. (Still pondering this decision). I say.. “Bring it on Nashville!” Is it the end of April yet? Cannot wait to continue my training and to see what it does for me this time around.