The only allowed exception in early holiday fare



As each store continues to light up with ads for Christmas, catering to kids, moms, grandparents, even dogs, I notice that with each passing year, the commercialization of the holiday season comes earlier and earlier. Why do we need to stock up on Christmas trinkets and bobbles nearly two month ahead? It’s not like we need them, the whole season is wrapped around the idea of wants, even Thanksgiving is a wanting celebration. “I want Turkey!” Sometimes I wish we could go back to the simple view that it was a holiday where we sat down and got along with our neighbors, being thankful for the countless blessings in our lives. I don’t mean to sound like a scrooge, but the whole season has gone by the wayside, probably more than I even realize, and I could rant about it for weeks, probably until it is over. But there is one thing that is allowed to come early, one thing alone. Egg Nog! Yes, egg nog, a delicious drink, usually too thick for most people, perhaps too strong for some, creamy, sweet and simply amazing in my morning coffee. It makes the whole season melt away, like spring temperatures drive away the driven snow. In all honesty, this post has become pretty convoluted. So here’s the takeaway, Egg Nog is good, especially in coffee, that is all. Now let me get back to my Egg Nog creamed, cup of coffee.