3 Amazing Years

God has definitely blessed me with these three years of being with Brent. Not only is Brent the best husband that I could have ever asked for, he is my best friend and the one I will spend the rest of my life with. Over the last three years God has been working on my heart to make me a better wife daily. I am becoming a better person because of Brent’s love and his patience with me. Most people say that the first few years of marriage are the hardest, but I believe that Brent and I have had three pretty amazing years that did not seem to be as difficult as some had told us when we started our journey together. Now do not get me wrong, Brent and I, like all married couples, have had our few moments of ups and downs. The great thing is that we have God on our side working with both of us to get through these minor moments in life. Brent and I make it a point to never go to sleep without solving anything and I know that this is one thing that has helped us the most. Each new day we start out fresh. We do not let things linger, and we talk about them right away. We also could not have had the last three years without much thanks to God. Thanks to Him, we have been able to get past my stubbornness to see what is really important in life. Brent is the best thing that could have happened to me. With each passing day, I grow closer to him. I am always falling in love with him more each day. He is here to comfort me in the times when I need someone, he takes care of me when I am sick, he helps me around the house without me even having to ask, he makes me breakfast almost every morning, he puts the toothpaste on my toothbrush for me (it is the little things), he prays for our relationship and the future of our family, and the list goes on. These are just a few of the amazing things that Brent does for me on a daily basis. I am thankful that God put him in my life back in September of 2006 and am glad that we are where we are today. One day a family will be on the way, but for now we are happy as being the two of us! Here is to the best husband! I am thankful that we have been married for three years, as of May 17th, and look forward to the rest of my life with you! I love you Brent.